Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Essential Oil

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Essential Oil




I am so pleased that Young Living Essential Oils is now sourcing its Sandalwood oil from the Big Island of Hawaii. This species of tree is native to the island, and only grows here. The Royal Kings and Queens of the Island always protected and treasured these trees immensely.

Previously, Sandalwood oil was being sourced from Somalia, and our ability to get it was sporadic.

Sandalwood is an ancient healing oil, and after a powerful healing session with a client today, it was obvious this was an important oil for her to have to anchor in that transformation of pain memory into neutralization so it would no longer affect her daily happiness. There’s a reason oils are mentioned in the bible 500 times, and the ancient Egyptians used oils for transformation initiations as well.

With this new source from the Islands, we can be sure of sustainable farming, and I’d love to visit the farm when I get over there!  They’ve replanted the ancient forests with over 250,000 new tree starts.

When any issues with the Root Chakra, ancient leftovers from past lives, stubborn and unwilling-to-let-go lower density energies are seemingly attached to you for forever, there are solutions to lighten-you-up.

The Garden of Eden has always provided All.

Scheduled appointments are available for either getting started with Young Living (complimentary) or,

Energy Scanning (complimentary) to see if we are a good fit for a distance healing session for you.


Many Blessings,
